Coinmine ITX Motherboard with AMD A8-4555M & Radeon HD 7600G – Web Server Build

II wanted to set up a simple low-power web server and found these used “CoinMine” motherboards for $35 on eBay. I added 8 GB of SODIMM ram ( two 4GB sticks) and the board booted right up.

I have installed the coinmine motherboard into a mini-itx case with a 60-watt power supply. I install Mint Linux, as I also will use the machine for desktop graphics (GIMP) on occasion. The Mint 20.1 Linux is booting off a 128GB mSATA drive and a second 1TB SSD drive is for the Apache website data that will run off this web server system.

The board fit nicely into the mini-itx case.
The Bios started right up and was able to make my settings without any fuss. Bios is dated 07/16/2019.
Mint Linux booted directly from the USB and was able to install on the 128 GB mSATA drive.
Ran a few CPU performance tests to check things out. All was good.

Next step is to set up the Apache web server and Word Press.